Breadth-First Search

Published Jan 15th, 2023
Tags: algorithms

Good for finding the shortest number of nodes between 2 nodes (aka, shortest path in an unweighted graph)

def bfs(nodes, start):
  queue = deque([start])
  start.queued = True
  while queue:
    r = queue.popleft()
    for neighbor in get_neighbors(r):
      if not neighbor.queued:
        neighbor.queued == True


Accumulating Rows

If you want to accumulate the rows (for example, to count the number of “steps”), you can modify classic BFS slightly to increment step count each “row”. Idk if this is actually a smart thing to do or not, but it’s come in handy several times (before that, I was doing things like pushing the step count with the node onto the queue…)

def bfs(nodes, start):
  queue = deque([start])
  start.queued = True
  steps = 0
  while queue:
    steps += 1
    for _ in range(len(queue)):
      r = queue.popleft()
      for neighbor in get_neighbors(r):
        if not neighbor.queued:
          neighbor.queued == True